Willingness to Green-Up

It surprises me, at times, the eagerness of some companies to ‘Go Green’; however I don’t think it should.  Considering the current state of finances in the UK now is a golden opportunity to make a real change in the way things work.  As a rule the products that we, and others, promote to improve energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions also have the benefit of saving people and companies money.  With the help of the government backed Carbon Trust companies can take advantage of an interest free loan to buy products that reduce carbon emissions and with the loan repayments set lower then the projected saving there is a positive return from the off.  Once the loan is paid back the full saving comes in to effect.

What does this mean for you?  Well if you run an SME it could mean that you effectively get free stuff.  Think about it.  An interest free loan with the repayments capped below your savings – that’s money you would have spend anyway.  So you get to reduce your monthly electricity bill, reduce your carbon footprint and best of all it doesn’t actually cost you anything to do!

At ReGen Power we specialise in helping businesses and individuals save money and save the planet.  Why don’t you come and see what we can do for you?

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