Posts tagged lighting

When Local Means Just That

Every Saturday I have the Telegraph delivered to our door and by Sunday evening am wondering why I bother. Apart from providing paper to light the wood burner and line the dog basket it provides little else. However, last weeks did provide an article of interest. Budgens Lightwater, one of  183 stores in the group was visited by the Telegraphs Mary Portas. The Lightwater branch had  recently switched to low energy lighting installed by the ReGen Power team and Mary’s shopping experience must only have been enhanced by the new crisp light. She sings the praises of the local sourcing policy that has to be the way forward. Much of the meat sold in the store is prepared by George Arthur a butcher so local he has a shop directly opposite the Budgens store. ReGen has installed energy-efficient lighting in two of the Budgens stores, is about to commence a third, leaving 180 to go.

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Willingness to Green-Up

It surprises me, at times, the eagerness of some companies to ‘Go Green’; however I don’t think it should.  Considering the current state of finances in the UK now is a golden opportunity to make a real change in the way things work.  As a rule the products that we, and others, promote to improve energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions also have the benefit of saving people and companies money.  With the help of the government backed Carbon Trust companies can take advantage of an interest free loan to buy products that reduce carbon emissions and with the loan repayments set lower then the projected saving there is a positive return from the off.  Once the loan is paid back the full saving comes in to effect.

What does this mean for you?  Well if you run an SME it could mean that you effectively get free stuff.  Think about it.  An interest free loan with the repayments capped below your savings – that’s money you would have spend anyway.  So you get to reduce your monthly electricity bill, reduce your carbon footprint and best of all it doesn’t actually cost you anything to do!

At ReGen Power we specialise in helping businesses and individuals save money and save the planet.  Why don’t you come and see what we can do for you?

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Improving the Enviroment the ReGen way.

Welcome to the ReGen Power blog, over the coming weeks we will be bringing you our take on Environmental issues and also discussing the options that you have to reduce your carbon footprint and improve the environment in general where you are!

A little about us so far…Well at the moment we are concentrating the on reducing carbon emission of small/medium business by improving their lighting solutions.  We have found that many (generally older) building are still using inefficient T8 and T12 fluorescent tube lighting and we have an easily installed adaptor that allows the fitting of much more efficient T5 tubes.   In some cases we have seen up to a 75% reduction in energy usage and we generally see around 50%.    You may think that this is small compared to the issues that are currently facing us however around 12% of energy usage in the home and 20% of energy usage in the workplace is lighting.  Once this is taken in to account you can see that a real difference can be made to the amount of carbon emitted and also a real saving in cost to the users, either domestic or business, can be achieved for a relatively low cost.

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