When Local Means Just That

Every Saturday I have the Telegraph delivered to our door and by Sunday evening am wondering why I bother. Apart from providing paper to light the wood burner and line the dog basket it provides little else. However, last weeks did provide an article of interest. Budgens Lightwater, one of  183 stores in the group was visited by the Telegraphs Mary Portas. The Lightwater branch had  recently switched to low energy lighting installed by the ReGen Power team and Mary’s shopping experience must only have been enhanced by the new crisp light. She sings the praises of the local sourcing policy that has to be the way forward. Much of the meat sold in the store is prepared by George Arthur a butcher so local he has a shop directly opposite the Budgens store. ReGen has installed energy-efficient lighting in two of the Budgens stores, is about to commence a third, leaving 180 to go.

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