Posts tagged recycling


It was with some amusement that I watched our local refuse collectors arrive at my place of work and ponder over the large pile of cardboard neatly stacked before them. Let me set the scene. We are a renewables Company striving to reduce carbon emission, energy consumption and where possible recycle. Basically think about others and the environment around us. All good stuff. Back to the story after much deliberation, head scratching and gesticulation the two refuse collectors decided to jump back into their truck and drive off. Rather odd I felt, however having worked as a temp many years ago for Oxford City Council I was aware that different departments would have to be consulted. It was with incredulity that the following day when the rubbish waste collectors arrived they informed me that the volume of cardboard left in our designated recycling bay had made it to the local radio station, and no this is not radio Norwich country. A supervisor was to be despatched to assess whether a crime had been committed. A couple of hours later his head appeared around the door shortly followed by his body. It was explained that the cardboard collectors were an idle bunch and would be given an ear full on his return to base.

Happy days cardboard has now been collected and will soon become a milk carton near you.

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