Archive for General

It’s not all about solar panels and wind turbines…

‘Renewable’ and ‘sustainable’ energy are becoming pretty common buzz words but what image does this normally induce? Solar panels and wind turbines?

Yes, these are important and viable technologies but there are so many innovative technologies out there that can save, if not generate, energy saving money in addition to reducing your carbon footprint.

Let’s start with energy generation. The major renewable technologies utilise the weather and the environment to generate electricity. The sun powers PV arrays, winds drive wind turbines and water reservoirs drive hydro turbines. Why stop there? Over two thirds of the earth is ocean and this contains a tremendous amount of energy which is always on the move. Tidal currents can be utilised to power ‘underwater wind turbines’ whilst the power in mid-ocean waves can be collected and distributed to houses in-land.

Whilst heat isn’t strictly electricity, it still requires fossil fuels as an energy supply in order to heat a building and the hot water supply. Heat pumps are great technologies; these utilise a temperature gradient (a difference in temperature between two sources) to transfer heat into a system that can be processed and distributed as heating. The exact source of the temperature gradient can vary. A ground source heat pump would utilise a pipeline buried a few meters underground, whilst an air source heat pump uses outside air. Similar ideas can also be extended for water supplies, albeit ground water or sea water. Another innovative idea I found is called a heat recovery ventilation system. This system extracts warm, damp air from areas such as bathrooms and kitchens and extracts the heat that would otherwise be lost to the environment. This heat can be transferred to incoming fresh air or used for domestic hot water.

Ok, so by this point you’re probably thinking all these ideas are great but surely they’re going to cost money? Of course there would be some initial investment but the government has introduced feed-in-tariffs for renewable projects and funding from Carbon Trust may even be possible. But for those of you still unsure there are still many alternatives. Increasing wall insulation, rain water harvesting, and reducing energy consumption by doing the smallest of things such as turning off that light switch to name a few.

And on the talk of lighting there are so many innovative products out there that can save electricity, money and reduce your carbon footprint. Pretty much any light that is produced will have an energy efficient solution ranging from residential to commercial and industrial applications.

In order for a truly sustainable future, all of the above technologies need to work in unison with the best technology being chosen for the correct application. So next time you think about renewable energy don’t just think solar panels and wind turbines – think ‘what really is the best renewable technology for me?’

Martin White

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Climate Change – ‘Yay or Nay’

Climate Change. Definitely a pressing issue in today’s society but should it be? Yes; something needs to be done to change our attitudes to the environment but are these constant petty arguments between scientists really the way? I mean, day after day you log onto the internet, or pick up a paper to see someone claiming something about climate change. But should a drive for renewable energy and sustainability be driven by a constant arguing about ‘yay or nay’ or should we face up to facts that cannot be argued.

The current disaster in the Gulf of Mexico is proving the dilemma that faces the up and coming generations. The current fuel we use is not limitless and prices are going to increase as it gets harder to extract these fossil fuels from our planet. Not only will prices rise, but competition between both countries and companies is going to increase and that human trait of selfishness will raise its ugly head.

In the long run, self sufficiency makes sense. Why import something from another country when it can actually be found in our back garden? The UK being an island has wide availability to all manners of renewable resources; from the winds that race up our hills to the waves and tidal patterns that lap our shores. In the long haul, the UK could have massive potential for renewable energy and we should take hold and lead the way once more. A drive into research, development and manufacturing of renewable technologies could address climate change but bring a surge of jobs and money into our economy.

On a slightly less grand scale, a self sufficient home makes sense. Why pay for someone to give you energy when there are consistently free energy sources all around. After some initial investment and a period of payback, you can be home and dry with a powered and heated home costing you nothing – even better, possibly earning you some revenue! What’s not to love about that for any home or land owner?

In the long run, all these arguments over climate change are getting us nowhere. Renewable technologies don’t just offer a solution to climate change; but a solution to how we lead our lives and the lives of the generations to come.

Martin White.

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Improving the Enviroment the ReGen way.

Welcome to the ReGen Power blog, over the coming weeks we will be bringing you our take on Environmental issues and also discussing the options that you have to reduce your carbon footprint and improve the environment in general where you are!

A little about us so far…Well at the moment we are concentrating the on reducing carbon emission of small/medium business by improving their lighting solutions.  We have found that many (generally older) building are still using inefficient T8 and T12 fluorescent tube lighting and we have an easily installed adaptor that allows the fitting of much more efficient T5 tubes.   In some cases we have seen up to a 75% reduction in energy usage and we generally see around 50%.    You may think that this is small compared to the issues that are currently facing us however around 12% of energy usage in the home and 20% of energy usage in the workplace is lighting.  Once this is taken in to account you can see that a real difference can be made to the amount of carbon emitted and also a real saving in cost to the users, either domestic or business, can be achieved for a relatively low cost.

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